Economic empowerment for ethnic minority women beneficiaries of GREAT involves demonstration against six markers:

Women’s ability to use and/or influence social norms for their benefit
Women, men and community perceptions of what women can and cannot do in their roles and relationships and daily practices
Women’s actual ability to negotiate with their family and community to fulfil their aspirations

Women’s economic advancement and economic benefits
Increases in incomes, influence on use income, jobs, skills (including foundational financial and/or digital literacy, language, production and processing skills),
Access to vocational skills training

Women’s ability for decision making and leadership
Jointly in households
With peers

Women’s workload within and outside of the house, including negotiating work in the household, and regarding community and business responsibilities
Balance and workload sharing
Innovations for reducing women’s load

Women’s access to assets and services – what are the systemic changes that enable women to access assets and services
(Production) Inputs
Financial services
Digital platforms

Women’s resilience
Women’s ability to cope against economic shocks and changes including access to both formal and informal resources