GREAT investments are guided by a set of inclusion objectives that aim for gender equality, disability equity and social inclusion (GEDSI) outcomes.


Improving women’s agency and capacity


Improving ethnic minority women’s financial knowledge and skills

Improving ethnic minority women’s digital knowledge and skills

Improving knowledge and skills in production and processing

Improving leadership and entrepreneurship knowledge and skills

Improving ethnic minority women’s relationships and bargaining power with households, communities and private sector, including language

Vocational skills training


Improving the capacity of markets to accommodate to ethnic minority women’s needs and priorities


Increasing economic opportunities for sector investments and employments for ethnic minority women

Establishing and strengthening cooperatives and business networks to increase collective ethnic minority women’s market power

Developing and making accessible financial products and services for ethnic minority women

Developing and making accessible digital business platforms and tools for ethnic minority women

Improving ethnic minority women access to (production) inputs and new agricultural and tourism technology, and health and safety

Households, communities, authorities, mass organizations and/or private sectors promoting balanced workloads for ethnic minority women


Improving the national and provincial policy enabling environment to be more GEDSI responsive

Future National Target Programs (NTP) with

Gender targeting with more evidence-based monitoring of NTP SEDEMA 2021-2025 to feed into the design of Project 8 of NTP SEDEMA 2026 – 30 targeting ethnic minority women

Gender mainstreaming regarding production support policies / projects and other relevant policies / projects under NTP SEDEMA 2026-3

Current NTPs with:

Technical assistance for design and implementing pilot of business-led value chain production support based on innovation and gender sensitive market analysis to reduce workload for ethnic minority women

GEDSI sensitisation for relevant provincial and national bodies in their respective management and supervision of NTP implementation

Working with Provincial Governments with

GEDSI integration in selected provincial government agriculture, tourism and cross-cutting policies and practices