
Investment Design Title:

Gender Responsive Equitable Agriculture and Tourism Phase 2 (GREAT 2)

Start - end date:

1 July 2022 - 27 November 2027

Total proposed DFAT funding:

AUD 33.7 million

Total proposed funding from all donor/s:

AUD 33.7 million

Current program fund annual allocation:

AUD 9.46 million

AidWorks investment number:

INL 699

Overall Risk Profile:


Executive Summary

The GREAT Program Phase 1 is an AUD 33.7 million initiative (2017-2022) which aims to improve the social and economic status of ethnic minority women living in two provinces of Northwest (NW) Vietnam.

From January to June 2021, DFAT commissioned a Mid-Term Review (MTR) of GREAT to assess progress to date and make recommendations in support of a possible five-year extension. The MTR concluded that GREAT and its market systems development (MSD) and women’s economic empowerment (WEE) approach remain highly relevant to Australia’s strategic policy frameworks, Vietnam’s development priorities, and the situation of ethnic minority women in NW Vietnam.

GREAT 2 will continue to directly support Australia’s strategic priorities in Vietnam through the intertwined strategies of economic development and women’s empowerment. The Design Update has found relevance and alignment with Australia’s national and global policies and strategies such as the Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Strategy, the Strategy for Australia’s Development Investments in Private Sector Development, Partnerships for Recovery: Australia’s COVID-19 Development Response, and the recently released AustraliaVietnam Enhanced Economic Engagement Strategy (EEES).