CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST: Development of medicinal plant commodities sector in northwest Vietnam

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With more than 35 years of experience, Cowater International is Canada’s global leader in management consulting services specialising in international development. We have managed the implementation of over 2500 projects in more than 95 countries around the globe. We work with governments, partner organisations, communities and civil society to design and implement sustainable solutions that generate lasting social, economic and environmental impacts.


A sector with growth opportunity: the medicinal plant sector is a dynamic and growing opportunity for  both producers and the pharmaceutical industry in Vietnam, and particularly in the northwest of Vietnam.  The region has experienced significant growth in recent years and Vietnam has a potentially significant  competitive advantage in meeting this growing demand both domestically, regionally and internationally. 

High potential amongst traditional producers in northwest Vietnam: northwest Vietnam’s ethnic  minority communities have a long and respected tradition in producing a diverse array of traditional and  well as new medicinal plants. The local environment is well-suited to this sector, and production offers  significant economic benefits for local producers – and in particular ethnic minority women producers.  

The challenge: production in the northwest currently faces stiff competition from imported plant material;  struggles to offer the industry the diversity, quality and consistency of plant materials needed; and the  fragmented production can be challenging to organise. 

The opportunity: if innovative solutions can be found to these challenges, the sector offers significant and  long-term commercial opportunities for both ethnic minority women producers and the pharmaceutical  industry in Vietnam. The potential is significant if Vietnam’s innovation and expertise can be harnessed.  The Gender Responsive Equitable Agriculture and Tourism (GREAT) Program is looking to partner with  forward-looking pharmaceutical companies to unlock the potential in the medicinal plant commodities sector and test new and better ways of developing its production, productivity and supply chain  management for the benefit of those businesses and ethnic minority women producers who supply them. 


A strategic opportunity for the right business partner 


The objective of the GREAT program is to work with one or more sector partners to test, develop and  operationalise innovative business ideas that seek to transform the medicinal plant commodity sectors  from low value conventional production toward GACP-WHO compliance to access potential markets in  Son La and Lao Cai and open up mutual opportunities for ethnic minority women producers and  pharmaceutical industry business investors. This is an ambitious agenda that seeks to build strong and  effective partnerships between sector leaders and ethnic minority women suppliers and requires both  innovation and a commitment to the medicinal plant commodity sector in northwest of Vietnam. 

The GREAT program is seeking to support business initiative and innovation and would like to hear from  those willing and able to try new ways of working with small scale producers and cooperatives and who  are prepared to invest in successful models to develop the medicinal plant commodity sector in northwest  Vietnam. The right business partner(s) will have the following expertise and interests: 

  • A track record in the production, supply and/or manufacture of medicinal plant products from  northwest Vietnam 
  • Extensive knowledge, know-how and networks in the medicinal plant commodities sector and  supply chains in Vietnam, particularly the northwest 
  • A track record of working with ethnic minority producers and cooperatives and/or in the  development and support of supply chains characterised by large numbers of small scale producers Feasible business plans (under implementation or to be implemented) that seek to develop the  GACP-WHO medicinal plants production areas Son La and/or Lao Cai 
  • Willingness and capacity to co-invest in supply chain development and production support If the above applies to you or your organisation, then GREAT would welcome your Expression of Interest: 

Your commitment: partnering with GREAT, provincial stakeholders and ethnic minority producer  communities, particularly women, to pilot solutions for the development of the medicinal plant  commodities sector in northwest Vietnam, including co-investing in the form of expertise, resources and  finance. 

GREAT’s commitment: supporting selected partners with critical resources including technical expertise  and co-financing mobilise producers, build production and semi-processing capability and develop  mutually beneficial production and off-take arrangements to drive quality, growth and resilience in the  sector.  

Summary of assignment

TASK 1. Co-design a project to support development of the medicinal plant commodity sector in Son La  and/or Lao Cai provinces

Working closely with GREAT and relevant provincial stakeholders conceptualise, co-design and develop a  detailed and fully costed project proposal for submission to GREAT’s Investment Committee for approval.  

The design will set out the key sector challenge(s) constraining the development of a strong, resilient and  high-quality sector based on ethnic minority women producers. It will outline in detail any/all proposed  innovative solution(s) to those challenges and which are to be piloted, tested and refined in collaboration  with GREAT and key sector stakeholders, including ethnic minority women producers, groups and/or  cooperatives. The project design will build on GREAT’s existing template(s), identifying the project  rationale, objectives, outputs and results, and include details of project management, quality assurance,  monitoring and adaptation.  

Potential scope of project activities: 

GREAT’s initial analysis has identified the following key constraints to the sector and, in particular, the sub sector led by ethnic minority women producers: 

1.Component 1: Strengthen the sustained production capacity and supply of (GACP-WHO) quality seedlings by cooperatives, vendors or others

This may entail: 

  • Identifying demand trends and selecting priority medicinal plant species and varieties;
  • Strengthening capacity and guidelines for seedling and plant production and quality  assurance;
  • Supporting the capacity and business models of cooperatives (or others) to produce,  promote and distribute improved seed varieties to ethnic minority women producers. 

2. Component 2: Test and develop sustainable supply chain support and management model(s) to strengthen the quality, consistency and resilience of ethnic minority women production of medicinal plant commodities 

This may entail: 

  • To transfer production and processing skills for local potential actors (such as cooperatives,  public service providers) who can provide on the production job training or guidance to  ethnic minority producers including women producers to ensure the functioning of their  supply chain.  
  • Test and develop innovative supply chain modalities, potentially including secure production,  processing and offtake mechanisms with cooperatives and/or ethnic minority women  producer groups; 
  • Test and develop investment modalities to enable secure and effective business co-investing and/or risk sharing with ethnic minority women producers. 

TASK 2. Project implementation and management 

Once approved, the medicinal plant commodity sector project partnership will be led and managed by the  successful partner(s) in close collaboration with GREAT and its provincial stakeholders and in accordance  with the agreed conditions for technical activities and resource investments by each party. The project will  be established in the form of a sub-contract between GREAT and the successful partner(s) on behalf of  Cowater International. 

Expected results of business plan in each province: 

– Minimum reach of 300 ethnic minority households in each province with increased income from  medicinal plant production 

– Improved business capacity of at least 2 cooperatives for quality nursery supply, semi processing – Other – to be agreed with successful partners

Application deadline: 5:00 PM, 20 September, 2024.
Visit for more details and information.

Application process

Candidates are invited to send an application to

Applications should include:

A cover letter.

A Curriculum Vitae.

Contact details of three referees.

* Specifying the position you are applying for in the email title