GREAT / Knowledge / Event / Tourism Workshop in Lao Cai

10th May, 2024

Lao Cai

Tourism Workshop in Lao Cai

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted global tourism, challenging the resilience of both tourists and stakeholders. In Northwest Vietnam, Lao Cai province offers unique tourism experiences rooted in natural and cultural beauty. Tourism plays a crucial role for the livelihood development of local ethnic minority communities.
With support from the Department of Tourism of Lao Cai province (DoT), the GREAT Program commissioned a comprehensive tourism demand survey at the end of 2023. This Report provides invaluable insights into the interests and expectations of tourists, aiding relevant stakeholders in the development of a resilient and inclusive tourism industry in the province and will inform GREAT’s tourism sector support strategies in the coming years.
On the 10th of May 2024, GREAT, in collaboration with DoT Lao Cai, organised two workshops to share the study results, discuss and listen to suggestions from key tourism stakeholders. Participants included governmental bodies at provincial and district levels, members of the Provincial Tourism Associations, representatives of Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Provincial Management Units, service providers, and local communities.